【 #ZoomSeminar:認識聖經中的安息日】
David Trubek是選民事工差會在以色列的宣教士,他和太太Victoria都是彌賽亞猶太信徒,也是當地彌賽亞教會的牧者。7/30(週四)他們將舉行一個Zoom線上聖經課程,#教導安息日的聖經真理,以及 #今天宗教與世俗的以色列人如何理解安息日。台灣時間是週四傍晚17:00。
Shalom Dear friends,
Do you want to learn more about Sabbath?
We are pleased to announce the holding of a ZOOM seminar with Victoria Trubek on “The Biblical Meaning of the Sabbath”
At the seminar we will hear about the topics:
-The biblical meaning of the Sabbath
– How the people of Israel relate to Shabbat today – in religious society and also in secular society
– Shabbat as a mitzvah (commandment) for rest
The seminar will be held on Thursday 30/07 at
18:00 Tokyo time
18:00 Seoul time
17:00 Hong Kong/Taiwan Time
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