🙅‍♂️「那些『愛以色列愛到死』的人,請不要愛我們猶太人,#超過愛猶太人的彌賽亞!」(People who love Israel to death, please don’t love us Jewish people more than loving your Jewish Messiah! )
🤦‍♂️「有些基督徒支持一種觀念,『猶太人拒絕相信耶穌是彌賽亞是沒關係的』,#這讓身為以色列猶太人的我感到非常憂傷,不但因為這是異端,也因為我深知以色列不為人知的一面,是John Hagee牧師這類的人所不知道的。」(The idea promoted by some Christians that it’s fine for Jewish people to continue to reject Yeshua as Messiah grieves me as an Israeli Jew not only because it is heresy, but also because I know a side of Israel that people like Pastor John Hagee doesn’t.)
🙇‍♂️「親愛的基督徒們,身為一個跟隨耶穌的以色列猶太信徒,今天我給你們的挑戰是:#不要愛我們猶太人愛到讓我們沉淪,而是要活出聖經給你們的使命,#激起我們嫉妒的心尋求耶穌(羅11:11)!請相信我,我自己就是一個活生生的證據,十六年前我正因此信主,這對其他許多猶太人仍是有功效的。」(dear Christians, as an Israeli Jewish follower of Jesus, my challenge for you today is not to love us Jews into hell, but to live up to the biblical mandate of provoking us to jealousy in Yeshua (Romans 11:11). Trust me, I myself am living evidence that it worked 16 years ago, and it’s still working with many other Jews.)
——Eitan Bar(以色列福音機構One for Israel傳媒總監), “Pastor John Hagee, Let my people go!”
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